This No-Equipment, At-Home Workout Knocks Out Strength Training and Cardio in One
I love bodyweight workouts; they're just so darn convenient. You can do them at home, and you don't need any equipment, which makes them practically excuse-proof.
For this at-home workout, all you need to supply is a little motivation; once you get started, the momentum of the moves will pull you through. It's built around three strength-training circuits (yes, you can build strength with just your bodyweight!). Plus, we've added a 60-second cardio burst to each circuit to increase the difficulty and get your heart pounding. It's kind of like getting two workouts in one!
Whether you are new to working out or have been at it for a good long while, this at-home workout is for you. For beginners, do fewer rounds of each circuit and keep the cardio burst to 45 seconds; you can also take longer rests between rounds if needed. For intermediate or advanced exercisers, do four rounds of each circuit, keep the cardio bursts at 60 seconds, and keep your recovery periods at a minute each. Ready?
Bodyweight At-Home Workout
Equipment needed: None. You may want a yoga mat or to do the floor moves on a soft surface, like a carpet.
Directions: Start with a quick warmup, then repeat each three-exercise circuit three times for beginners or four times for intermediate/advanced. Rest for 60 seconds between each circuit. Cool down with three to five minutes of stretching.
Circuit 1
Bodyweight Squats: 15 reps
Plank With Shoulder Taps: 20 reps
Jumping Jacks: 45 to 60 seconds
Rest: one minute
Circuit 2
Reverse Lunges With Knee Drives: 10 reps per leg
Crab Walk: 20 reps
Knees and Toes: 45 to 60 seconds
Rest: one minute
Circuit 3
Single-Leg Bridges: 10 reps per leg
Bicycle Crunches: 20 reps
Twisted Butt Kickers: 45 to 60 seconds
Rest: one minute
Keep reading for detailed instructions on how to do each move.
Circuit 1: Bodyweight Squat
- Start standing with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart.
- Sit your hips back, bend your knees, and lower into a squat. Pause when your thighs are parallel to the floor, or as low as is comfortable for you.
- Press into your feet to straighten your legs and stand, returning to the starting position. That's one rep.
- Do 15 reps.
Circuit 1: Plank With Shoulder Tap
- Start in a high plank with your feet slightly wider than your hips for added stability.
- Keeping your torso stable, bring your right hand to your left shoulder, then return your right hand back to the mat.
- Bring your left hand to your right shoulder, then return it to the mat. Try not to rock your hips during the movement. That's one rep.
- Do 20 reps.
Circuit 1: Jumping Jack
- Start standing with your feet together and hands by your sides.
- Jump your feet out to the sides as you bring your hands overhead, then jump your feet back together.
- Repeat for 45 to 60 seconds.
Circuit 2: Reverse Lunge With Knee Drive
- Start standing with your feet together.
- Take a big step backward with your right foot, lowering into a lunge, driving your right arm forward to help maintain your balance. Aim to get your front thigh parallel to the floor, with your back knee hovering just off the ground.
- Push into your left foot and drive your right knee up, coming to stand on your left leg with your right leg in a high knee. Simultaneously drive your left arm forward to help maintain your balance.
- If it's too hard to come into the knee drive from the lunge, step your left foot in to meet your right, then raise your left knee up. That's one rep.
- Do 10 reps, then repeat on the other side.
Circuit 2: Crab Walk
- Sit on the ground with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor, hands flat on the floor two inches behind your hips, and fingers pointing toward your body. If this is too much weight on your wrists, slightly turn your fingers out to the sides. Lift your hips off the ground as high as is comfortable.
- Step your right foot forward as you simultaneously move your left hand forward. Then repeat on the opposite side. That's one rep.
- Do 10 reps forward, then 10 reps backward.
Circuit 2: Knees and Toes
- Start with two high knees, bringing your right knee to your left hand, then your left knee to your right hand.
- Now rotate your right knee slightly outward to bring your right ankle to your left hand, then your left ankle to your right hand.
- Repeat for 45 to 60 seconds.
Circuit 3: Single-Leg Bridge
- Lie on your back with your hands on the floor by your sides. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor, and lift your hips up into a glute bridge. Lift the right leg up to the ceiling, flexing your foot.
- Slowly lower your hips to tap the floor, then press back up into a bridge, trying to keep your hips even the whole time. (You can modify by keeping both feet on the floor.) That's one rep.
- Do 10 reps, then repeat on the other side.
Circuit 3: Bicycle Crunch
- Lie on the floor with your knees pulled into your chest and your hands behind your head. Lift your shoulder blades off the ground and engage your core, pressing your low back into the mat.
- Straighten your left leg to hover off the floor while turning your upper body to the right, bringing your left elbow toward your right knee. Make sure your ribcage is moving and not just your elbows.
- Repeat, switching legs and twisting to the other side. That's one rep.
- Do 20 reps.
Circuit 3: Twisted Butt Kicker
- Start standing with your feet hip-width apart.
- Swing your right arm across your chest while kicking your right heel toward the left side of your butt.
- Switch sides, swinging your left arm across your chest while kicking your left heel toward the right side of your butt.
- Repeat for 45 to 60 seconds.