Your October 2023 Horoscope Is Bringing Some Spicy Synergy to Your Love Life

October 2023 Monthly Horoscope
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Trust the path that unfolds this month, dear friends. With two powerful eclipses, Libra season, and three planets in Scorpio, your October 2023 horoscope promises unexpected twists and turns, steamy romance, and stirring revelations. A major rebirth is on the horizon.

Fortunately, the first full month of fall begins on a harmonious note, as Mercury, the planet of thought and communication, joins the sun in fair-minded Libra on Oct. 4. This planetary placement is excellent for smoothing over disagreements between tense parties, securing new contractual agreements, and reconnecting with loved ones after a sluggish summer retrograde season. This is especially true on Oct. 8 when Venus, the planet of relationships and values, enters caring Virgo.

Take a moment to acknowledge the progress you've made personally and professionally on Oct. 10, as penetrating Pluto, the planet of self-awareness and empowerment, ends its five-month retrograde transit in strict Capricorn. While Pluto is known for its tendency to bring life-altering events, major life changes and transformations occurring in the background since May 1 reach a turning point now. What realizations about yourself and your work have you uncovered?

Expect a significant vibe shift on Oct. 12, when motivator Mars slips into magnetic Scorpio until Nov. 24. This is an excellent time to dive deeper into complex and taboo subjects like astrology, spice things up in the bedroom with your person, and buckle down on finances. Just be mindful of extreme overthinking, explosive outbursts, and jealous partners. This willful placement can stir up self-doubt and irrational emotions, especially since Mercury will be joining the Scorpio bandwagon on Oct. 22.

Luckily, a fresh start arrives on Oct. 14 during the Libra solar eclipse. Align with this amped-up new moon by strengthening your negotiation skills, taking things to the next level with a partner, or committing wholeheartedly to loving yourself.

If you're feeling all over the place after the Libra solar eclipse, don't stress. You aren't alone. Thankfully, you'll feel the call to water your roots and tend to your desires more intentionally starting on Oct. 23 when the sun slips into Scorpio. Scorpio season kicks off a four-week period of inner transformation, heightened intimacy, and spiritual growth.

Because eclipses symbolize a meeting of fate and destiny, stay open to the unexpected at the end of the month during the Oct. 28 Taurus lunar eclipse. With this supercharged lunation bringing closure to major cycles that started in your Taurus house in November 2021, pay attention to how your perspective on self-worth, money, and security has evolved over the past two years. If you're feeling unsettled by this energy, continue focusing on incremental improvements rather than instantaneous results. Stability is built over time. Stay grounded.

See exactly what the next 31 days have in store for you with your October 2023 monthly horoscope, according to your zodiac sign and rising sign. For a deeper dive into your year ahead, also read your annual 2023 horoscope for even more insight.

Aries monthly horoscope for October 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Aries (March 21-April 19) Monthly Horoscope For October 2023

Love is in the air this month, Aries — follow your heart. Your October 2023 horoscope invites you to be vulnerable about your values, expectations, and dreams. Besides, with the Libra sun getting cozy in your seventh house of relationships and partnerships until Oct. 23, the first half of the month encourages you to strengthen ties with your nearest and dearest, especially when Mercury joins the sun in your marriage sector from Oct. 4 through Oct. 22. Whether tying the knot, onboarding a new client, or celebrating a family tradition with loved ones, use this transit to strengthen your personal and professional connections. Rams struggling to stay organized with daily responsibilities should consider outsourcing time-consuming activities to enhance productivity when Venus enters Virgo and your sixth house of order from Oct. 8 through Nov. 10. You don't have to do it all.

If you are still unsure about which direction you want to take, wait until after Pluto retrograde stations direct in your 10th house of long-term goals on Oct. 10. This forward-moving planetary energy helps you overcome any blockages or power struggles with stubborn partners or bosses you may have encountered over the past five months. Luckily, things start to heat up in your intimate and financial life around Oct. 12 when your planetary ruler, Mars, begins a new five-week transit in Scorpio and your sexuality and shared resources sector. What new moves are you ready to try out in the bedroom? For Rams looking to take their connections to the next level, expect a significant relationship shift on Oct. 14 when the Libra solar eclipse illuminates the sky. Remember that eclipses are about aligning with destiny, so anything can happen. Make a note to journal and reflect on this eclipse transit in six months.

After a heart-opening Libra season, you welcome the stillness and rebirth Scorpio season offers. Treat yourself to some much-needed peace and relaxation with the sun visiting your eighth house of healing and introspection from Oct. 23 until Nov. 22. And with the final Taurus lunar eclipse of the previous eclipse cycle peaking on Oct. 28, keep your eye out for investment opportunities you've been working on behind the scenes since November 2021 to slowly flourish. The second half of the month is ideal for reducing debt, building credit, and growing your savings. Stack your paper, Aries. Your future self will thank you later.

Taurus monthly horoscope for October 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Monthly Horoscope For October 2023

Juggling work, romance, and domestic duties may be challenging this month, dear Taurus. Do your best to stay grounded. If you're feeling worn out after a busy September, your October 2023 horoscope invites you to observe how your daily routines impact your mood and environment. Although you would rather distract yourself with endless to-do lists, the sun visiting your sixth house of wellness and productivity until Oct. 23 makes it the best time all year to ask yourself: Do my current work schedule and professional environment support my overall health and well-being? What am I doing to strengthen my mind, spirit, and body? These questions will be easier to answer once Mercury, the planet of thought, joins the sun in Libra on Oct. 4.

Luckily, with Venus in Scorpio spotlighting your fifth house of fun and pleasure from Oct. 8 through Nov. 10, you'll have more energy and free time to slip away for much-needed leisure and self-care. What activities have you been waiting to try, or what events have you wanted to attend? Another important date to mark on your calendar is Oct. 10. On this date, Pluto retrograde will end a five-month backspin through your personal growth and adventure sector. While the impact of this direct planetary movement may not be immediately felt, make a point to acknowledge the wisdom and expertise you've gained since May. Use the Oct. 14 Libra solar eclipse to release overthinking and procrastination. This supercharged lunation is about being more intentional about prioritizing work-life balance. Follow your spirit.

While order and structure are essential, don't be afraid to explore a new direction in your private life when the sultry sun slips into Scorpio and your seventh house of partnership and marriage on Oct. 23. Whether you are celebrating the start of a new union, shooting your shot with a crush, or negotiating a new contract with your business partner, this zodiac season shifts the focus back to your relationships. Fortunately, the month ends on a high note as the cleansing Taurus lunar eclipse peaks on Oct. 28, clarifying your personal goals and desires. Take your time making your next move. This supercharged full moon is about practicing patience.

Gemini monthly horoscope for October 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Monthly Horoscope For October 2023

Prepare for a flirty, fun-filled month, dear Gemini — you're in high demand. After an emotional September, your October 2023 horoscope urges you to stop fretting over minor issues and focus on what makes you happy. And with the sun continuing its annual transit through glamorous Libra and your fifth house of pleasure until Oct. 24, it's an ideal time for sexy date nights, experimenting with new styles and aesthetics, and collaborating on a passion project you're proud of. While you aren't shy about sharing sensitive information with the public, don't be surprised if you decide to make your relationship Instagram official or participate in a bold campaign for your brand on Oct. 4 when your planetary ruler, Mercury, joins the sun in your self-expression sector.

If you are still unsure about which direction you want to take, wait until after the Libra solar eclipse on Oct. 14 to make your announcement. Eclipses are known for their unpredictability. Although others may have their opinions, you'll be less influenced by external reactions once Pluto retrograde stations direct in your eighth house of transformation on Oct. 10. This forward-moving planetary energy helps you release any self-doubt or shame you may have been battling over the past five months. Despite this month's theme of romance and excitement, you'll also be asked to prioritize your daily routines and wellness. This is because Mars, the planet of action and behavior, will enter Scorpio and your productivity zone on Oct. 12. Use this five-week transit to start a new fitness regimen, improve your diet, look for a new job, and be more intentional about managing your time.

It's time to get back to business at the end of the month as the sun joins Mercury and Mars in your Scorpio-ruled sixth house of duty and service. With Scorpio season in full effect from Oct. 23 until Nov. 22, it's important not to obsess over the details or lose yourself in the daily grind. Rather than stressing over the amount of responsibility you have, utilize your resources and ask for support. If you're feeling overwhelmed, make space to rest and unpack intense emotions during the Taurus lunar eclipse on Oct. 28. This supercharged full moon brings closure to a chapter of your life that has transitioned since November 2021. Let go with love.

Cancer monthly horoscope for October 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Monthly Horoscope For October 2023

Embrace the homebody vibes calling your name this month, sweet Cancer. Your October 2023 horoscope is all about balancing rest with ambition. In fact, with the Libra sun nesting in your foundational fourth house of home and privacy until Oct. 23, it's best to keep a simple schedule for the first half of the month, especially since chatty Mercury will also chill in this area of your chart from Oct. 4 through Oct. 22.

Although your cosmic forecast invites you to flow at a slower pace this spooky season, a close friend may woo you away from the nest for an intimate outing when Venus enters Virgo and your third house of socialization on Oct. 8. If you aren't in the mood to leave the house, this is the perfect day to take a break from your daily chores, spend quality time with siblings, and snuggle up with your favorite feel-good book. Enjoy your quiet time, because relationship and contractual changes may demand your attention when Pluto ends its five-month retrograde on Oct. 10. With the planet of transformation now direct in your partnership sector until 2024, this is an ideal time to reflect on how your connections and agreements have evolved since May.

Meanwhile, Mars's march into Scorpio on Oct. 12 brings focus to your personal interests and local community. This energy is excellent for visiting art galleries, supporting small businesses, and attending events in your neighborhood. Some crabs may even decide to relocate to a new zip code or welcome a new roommate during the Oct. 14 Libra solar eclipse. Anything is possible. Luckily, you'll receive a surge of supportive energy on Oct. 23 when the sun officially enters fellow water sign Scorpio until Nov. 22. If in need of some extra love and inspiration, don't hesitate to connect with your closest friends during the Taurus lunar eclipse on Oct. 28. This lunation is all about celebrating your growth with the people who adore you. Soak it up!

Leo monthly horoscope for October 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Monthly Horoscope For October 2023

Get ready for one of your busiest months of the year, dear Leo. Your October 2023 horoscope calls you to share your creative ideas with others on a deeper level. With the Libra sun shaking up your talkative third house of communication and self-expression until Oct. 23, the first three weeks of the month are excellent for launching a new podcast, publishing and creating art, traveling for work, and brainstorming with like-minded peers. These themes will be emphasized even more once messenger Mercury joins the sun in your socialization sector from Oct. 4. to Oct. 22.

Stick to your boundaries and values mid-month when Mars, the planet of desire and willpower, launches a new five-week transit in Scorpio and your sensitivity sector on Oct. 12. Finally, on Oct. 14, the liberating Libra solar eclipse brings insights and improvements about expressing your gifts with the world. Depending on your placements, you may receive an offer to present or broadcast your work on a larger platform. Make sure whoever you collaborate with aligns with your mission.

However, be mindful that Scorpio season officially begins on Oct. 23, and this may influence unresolved memories from childhood and the past to emerge as Scorpio rules home and family in your chart. On a brighter note, this intense energy is excellent for remodeling a property or living space, investing in real estate, and being more intentional about business development and retirement planning, especially since Mercury will join the Scorpio stellium on Oct. 22. Try not to stress too much, though, as the final Taurus lunar eclipse on Oct. 28 brings opportunities to overcome long-standing barriers in your career. Celebrate your accomplishments.

Virgo monthly horoscope for October 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Monthly Horoscope For October 2023

Sharpen your money-making and managing skills this month, dear Virgo. With the sun in Libra shaking up your second house of financial security until Oct. 23, your October 2023 horoscope offers new opportunities to increase your income and improve your self-worth. Because Mercury, your planetary ruler, will join the sun in Libra from Oct. 4 through Oct. 22, it's an excellent month to accept a raise at work, expand your business, and review your expenses. However, it's important to be realistic about your spending and earning capacity, especially once Venus enters your sign on Oct. 8.

You'll feel a profound desire to reprioritize passion projects and romance around Oct. 10 when Pluto ends its five-month retrograde transit in your fifth house of pleasure and creativity. This is a fantastic time to recommit to a hobby or travel to a relaxing destination. Meanwhile, Mars's march into Scorpio on Oct. 12 brings focus to your personal interests, siblings, and local friends. This energy is excellent for hosting an intimate game night, writing, and journaling. Consider joining an online club or in-person interest group to broaden your perspective and fulfill your craving for community and curiosity.

While financial stability and socialization are essential, don't be afraid to explore a new direction in your professional life when the Libra solar eclipse dominates the sky on Oct. 14. Whether you are starting a new job, negotiating a new contract, or returning to work from extended time off, this supercharged new moon empowers you to utilize your relationship-building skills to support you in this new chapter. Fortunately, the sun and Mercury will join Mars in Scorpio on Oct. 22 and 23, activating your short-term travel and self-learning sector. If seeking the best time this month to move forward with vacation plans or explore your sexual side, use the liberating Taurus lunar eclipse on Oct. 28 to get closer to your truth. Take accountability for your personal growth and orgasms.

Libra monthly horoscope for October 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Monthly Horoscope For October 2023

Get ready for an extra-fabulous birthday season, dear Libra. Your October 2023 horoscope is about embracing the changes you are experiencing on a spiritual, mental, physical, and financial level. Luckily, Mercury will join the sun in your sign from Oct. 4 until Oct. 22, making the first half of the month ideal for launching new projects, updating headshots and brand photos, and organizing personal plans for the next 12 months. Just be mindful that there may be a bit of turbulence in your relationships behind the scenes from Oct 8. to Nov. 10, as the love planet Venus will rest in Virgo and your 12th house of endings.

If you're struggling to make peace with a bitter ex or demanding family member, Pluto stationing direct in your fourth house of home and stability on Oct. 10 empowers you with the strength to make amends. Although it may not be the outcome you expected, use this direct planetary movement to structure a more peaceful and calm living environment. Stalled home-improvement projects and repairs should move forward now as well. Librans looking to increase their income and fund their new lifestyle will feel inspired to move forward with a side hustle or business venture once Mars marches into Scorpio on Oct. 12. Secure the bag, babe!

Meanwhile, a confidence-boosting Libra solar eclipse on Oct. 14 urges you to emerge like a phoenix rising from your cocoon. What major life-altering decisions and announcements are you ready to debut to the world? This supercharged new moon is about embracing your authentic path and reclaiming your power. No more hiding from your calling! Financial concerns may swing back around starting on Oct. 23 when the sun officially slips into Scorpio and your security-focused second house. Try not to stress too much, though, as the final Taurus lunar eclipse on Oct. 28 brings opportunities to clear debt and reward you for healthy wealth-building decisions you've made since November 2021. Be proud of your progress.

Scorpio monthly horoscope for October 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Monthly Horoscope For October 2023

Take things slow this month, Scorpio. Your October 2023 horoscope wants you to chill out and rest. With Mercury joining the sun in your solitude zone from Oct. 4 through Oct. 22, it may be best to take a short social media break and cut back on large social gatherings. Give yourself the space you need to process and cleanse as you prepare for your birthday season. While it may be unsettling to let go of projects you love or partners you've depended on, you'll gradually start to adjust to your new normal once Pluto retrograde ends on Oct. 10 and Mars enters your sign on Oct. 12. Use this positive surge of energy to focus on your personal goals. Don't be afraid to take a risk and try something different.

Make sure to write down your intuitive thoughts and dreams for the future on Oct. 14, when the Libra solar eclipse illuminates your 12th house of spirituality. While some new moons bring opportunities to manifest and set new intentions, this new moon teaches you to trust your inner voice. The key is focusing on slow growth rather than overextending yourself. Luckily, clarity arrives when messenger Mercury joins Mars in your sign on Oct. 22. Highlighting your first house of self and identity, this energy supports your desire for self-awareness and self-acceptance. However, it's important to remember that the validation you seek can only come from within. You are enough.

Get ready for a makeover and brand reset when the sun joins the Scorpio party on Oct. 23, making it an ideal time to reintroduce yourself to the world with a fresh look, new website, or new social media handle. Whether you are planning an elaborate birthday with your besties, taking the lead on an important project at work, or preparing to step into a new phase of independence, Scorpio season is all about doing you! Use the liberating Taurus lunar eclipse on Oct. 28 to share your accomplishments with a close friend or romantic partner. You've learned a lot from the people around you since the Taurus-Scorpio eclipse cycle started in November 2021. Be sure to thank them.

Sagittarius monthly horoscope for October 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Monthly Horoscope For October 2023

Surround yourself with good vibes this month, Sagittarius. Your October 2023 horoscope is bringing the spotlight to your inner circle, as it begins with the sun in Libra continuing its annual tour through your outgoing 11th house of groups and community until Oct. 23. Whether you're attending festive celebrations with friends or experiencing new levels of inspiration and clarity around your vision of the future, open yourself to the meaningful connections and leadership opportunities this flirty season brings, especially once chatty Mercury joins the sun on Oct. 4. Archers on the market to strengthen ties with coworkers and higher-ups may find their wishes granted when Venus enters Virgo and your 10th house of career from Oct. 8 through Nov. 10. This grounding transit is ideal for gaining positive attention from bosses and respected decision makers.

Fortunately, Pluto retrograde ends on Oct. 10, bringing forward movement in your second house of finances and personal possessions. With the planet of transformation now direct, you may receive a raise or close on an investment item you've been saving and planning for since May. That said, you may want to monitor your energy levels and practice restraint when accepting new agreements, as your capacity may be lower than usual once Mars, the planet of action and desire, enters Scorpio and your 12th house of solitude and ending on Oct. 12. While you may find that your craving for rest and self-reflection heightens, this energy is excellent for setting healthy boundaries around privacy and quietly working on new projects behind the scenes.

Don't hesitate to lean on your trusted mentors and friends if you need to blow off steam around Oct. 14 when the Libra solar eclipse peaks in your friendship house. Although it may be tempting to go at it alone, you'll find that others are looking to you for guidance and inspiration about what's to come. And you don't need to be the perfect role model, just yourself. Because by the time Scorpio season officially begins and joins Mars in your house of closure on Oct. 23, you'll be more than ready to take a break from the grind and pour back into yourself before the busy holiday and birthday celebrations begin. If you need a good cry session with your therapist or are ready to turn in your two-week notice, the Oct. 28 Taurus lunar eclipse is a favorable time to let go and make space for a new chapter. Better things await.

Capricorn monthly horoscope for October 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Monthly Horoscope For October 2023

It's time to boss up, dear Capricorn. Your October 2023 horoscope begins with the sun in Libra continuing its annual tour through your ambitious 10th house of public standing and long-term goals. And with Mercury joining the sun in your responsibility sector from Oct. 4 through Oct. 22, the first half of the month is ideal for getting back to business, attending networking events, and making sound financial investments after a sluggish September. Depending on your career and family circumstances, an opportunity to travel for work or return to school may present itself on Oct. 8 when Venus in Virgo slips into your ninth house of long-distance travel and academic affairs. Rather than focusing on the resources and credentials you do not have, this laid-back transit empowers you to lean into a new life direction.

Shedding old skin comes easier once Pluto retrograde ends in your first house of self and identity on Oct. 10. Whether you are more determined to pursue personal goals or more confident in your physical appearance, this direct planetary movement encourages you to stop playing it small and step back into your power after a five-month hiatus. Luckily, you'll feel a profound desire to collaborate with colleagues and trusted friends to support you on your journey when Mars enters Scorpio and your community sector on Oct. 12. With this area of your chart also governing technology, some Goats may even decide to launch a new digital offer or website. Just remember to use this strategic transit to promote your work and not solely to go viral. Intention matters.

While it may feel uncomfortable at first, don't shy away from an offer to take your professional aspirations to the next level during the Libra solar eclipse on Oct. 14. Rather than taking the conservative route, push yourself outside your comfort zone, because you never know where your courage may take you once Scorpio season officially begins on Oct. 23. Fortunately, the month ends on a playful note as the Taurus lunar eclipse on Oct. 28 lights up your creativity and children sector. Whether preparing for the birth of a new family member, spending time with your inner child, or finally making time for your favorite hobbies, remember to prioritize play during this supercharged lunation. Find your balance.

Aquarius monthly horoscope for October 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Monthly Horoscope For October 2023

Dream big this month, Aquarius. Your October 2023 horoscope is here to remind you that there is no limit on your potential. With Mercury joining the sun in your adventure sector from Oct. 4 through Oct. 22, the first half of the month is excellent for traveling and experimenting with new restaurants and entertainment experiences. Rather than playing it safe, take full advantage of the freedom to try new things while the glamorous Libra sun hangs out in your courageous ninth house of expansion and higher learning until Oct. 23.

This is especially true starting on Oct. 10 when Pluto, the planet of rebirth and transformation, stations direct in your 12th house of closure and endings. After five months of deep healing and self-reflection, thanks to Pluto's retrograde motion, this forward planetary movement brings mental and emotional relief. If inspired to pursue professional plans to advance your public standing or salary, consider what ideas surface on Oct. 12 when Mars enters Scorpio. This five-week transit will illuminate your ambitious 10th house of career, making it an excellent time to apply for a new job, launch a business venture, or accept new opportunities to promote yourself.

If you are uneasy about a transition you are about to embark on, use the Libra solar eclipse on Oct. 14 to reach out and ask for support. Consider collaborating with a trusted friend or investing in a mentor to guide you through tough times. Luckily, the sun and Mercury will join Mars in Scorpio on Oct. 22 and 23, bringing you the confidence and determination you need to achieve your long-term goals. To avoid burnout, lean into the call to rest and spend quality time with family during the Taurus lunar eclipse on Oct. 28. This supercharged full moon is excellent for closing on a home and releasing unhealthy generational cycles. What legacy do you want to leave? What foundation are you building for the future?

Pisces monthly horoscope for October 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Monthly Horoscope For October 2023

Give yourself grace this month, sweet Pisces; a lot is unfolding for you behind the scenes. Your October 2023 horoscope kicks off with messenger Mercury, the planet of communication and socialization, joining the sun in Libra and your eighth house of intimacy on Oct. 4. Due to this introspective planetary placement, you may be feeling more introverted and emotional than usual the first few days of the month, and that's OK. Use this quiet time to release any emotional or financial baggage weighing you down. If you're feeling isolated, talk through intense emotions with your therapist or close friend on Oct. 8 when Venus moves into Virgo and your accountability sector.

You'll feel a profound desire to move on group plans and team projects on Oct. 10 when Pluto ends its five-month retrograde transit in your 11th house of friendships and community. With this area of your chart also governing technology, some fishes may decide to reactivate their social media accounts after a hiatus. Do what feels right for you. At the same time, Mars's march into Scorpio and your ninth house of higher learning and adventure on Oct. 12 brings focus to travel plans and intellectual pursuits. This energy is excellent for planning your next vacation and expanding your skill set. Consider working with a recruiter or mentor to advance your career.

If money is on your mind mid-month, set an intention to be more responsible about eliminating debt, building credit, and prioritizing financial literacy during the Libra solar eclipse on Oct. 14 . With this powerful lunation illuminating your shared resources sector, you may be inspired to acquire new assets and investments over the next six months. Do your research rather than make risky decisions during eclipse season, which is not the best time for manifesting. Scorpio season begins on Oct. 23, and this four-week transit is all about expanding your horizons and experimenting with new opportunities. Use the Oct. 28 Taurus lunar eclipse to tie up loose ends around a long-term contract or clarify professional dreams you've wanted to complete since November 2021. Finish what you started.