What Your Sign Says About Your Parenting Style
Who we are as parents is a mixture of experiences. Our predetermined personality was forged throughout our lives, and our astrological signs help guide us when figuring out what kind of parent we are and who we hope to be. Some parents are no-nonsense, while others seem to thrive in experiences where children can be free. Some are extremely organized, while others just go with the flow. And since every sign has such strong personality traits, it's only natural that they also apply to parenting styles. Keep reading to see what parenting traits each sign has.
Aquarius (Jan. 21-Feb. 19)
Known for being the free thinker of the zodiac group, Aquarius parents certainly have their own way of doing things. It doesn't matter if everyone in your social circle is taking their kid to music class, you've signed them up for circus school. Thankfully, this free-spiritedness doesn't interfere with disciplinary issues, since Aquarius parents have a deep connection to doing what is right.
Pisces (Feb. 20-March 20)
Pisces parents love to love, giving their children an unconditional amount of affection. These nurturing moms and dads can often fall into the trap of thinking that their little ones can do no wrong. However, when the caring Pisces avoids that mistake, they are the kind of compassionate parents who are beloved for all time.
Aries (March 21-April 19)
It's a wonder how the Aries parent does it all. Determined to a fault, this energetic parent is the epitome of their fire sign. The Aries moms and dads do it all for her kids, go to work, and still manage to meet with their friends once a week for drinks. There is nothing these parents can't do.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Nothing is too good for the child of a Taurus parent. Since this sign loves nice things, the desire for opulence is placed on the kid as well. Expensive shoes for a newborn? Absolutely! After all, this is a baby whose parent knows what they like.
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
Gemini parents get the benefit of being the best of both worlds. These two-headed parents can be fun and lighthearted and serious as well. To the kid of a Gemini, that parent gets to be the go-to person for all questions and needs. After all, when you're working with twins, two heads are definitely better than one.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Creative and nurturing, the Cancer parent is the empath all parents want to be. When a baby gets a bruised knee, the Cancer moms and dads feel it in their whole body. Because these tender-hearted signs feel so deeply, they also have a tendency to be overprotective. Try giving your child more space and watch how they grow under your caring wing.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 21)
Leos are known for being an energetic and fiery sign, and as parents, this is not different. Leo moms and dads keep their children going from playdate to school to swimming class. These proud lions and lionesses love keeping everyone in the family engaged and thriving through various activities.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sept. 22)
Virgo parents are the best kind of parent friends. Every ailment, quarry, recommendation, or problem is no match for the Virgo parent. They keep everything meticulously organized and have no problem adhering to their child's schedule. As such, they've garnered a wealth of knowledge that their friends are eager to pull from.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Libra parents are the problem solvers. At the playground, at school, or at home, these moms and dads know just what to do to make everyone's day better. Since this sign is all about balance, it's best for everyone if the house, work, and home life are given equal attention, otherwise this sign starts to feel stressed.
Scorpio (Oct. 24-Nov. 22)
Scorpio parents are not the ones you want to mess with. Notorious for being strong willed, these are the consummate "mama bear" and "papa bear" who definitely should not be poked. Scorpio parents will do anything for their kids, even if it means being a touch controlling. When it comes to this sign, mother or father really does know best.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 22)
Playful and full of joy, the Sagittarius parent loves to keep things fun and lighthearted. The first to go down the slide, this kind and thoughtful parent likes to make sure everyone is taken care of and has a good time. One of the benefits of this sign is helping kids rebound when facing a difficult task or when experiencing a fall. The Sagittarius parent knows just how to get their kid smiling again.
Capricorn (Dec. 23-Jan. 20)
Capricorn parents know what's good for you, even if you don't want to hear it. Unafraid of being the bad guy or saying no, these no-nonsense moms and dads are serious and strong. These are the ones who know what the kids are going to be doing before they even realize what's going on, and they know just what to say to get their brood to fall in line.